How to Create Peace and Calm Through Mindful Photography


“Don’t shoot what it looks like, shoot what it feels like.” ~David Alan Harvey

Due to the current state of the world, I think it could benefit of us all to be more in the here and now, in the present, where it’s easier to find peace and calm. Or even to just be more mindful, so to speak, in what we say, do, and think, since it’s tempting to lash out at others and focus on the negative during hard times. How we act, interact, and even plan forward are more vital to our mental and physical health than ever.

It isn’t a secret that this pandemic has shifted us as humans—affected our communities and our relationships in more ways than most events in my lifetime have ever done.

It has caused us to pause (okay, more of a hard stop) so that we can real…


“Don’t shoot what it looks like, shoot what it feels like.” ~David Alan Harvey

Due to the current state of the world, I think it could benefit of us all to be more in the here and now, in the present, where it’s easier to find peace and calm. Or even to just be more mindful, so to speak, in what we say, do, and think, since it’s tempting to lash out at others and focus on the negative during hard times. How we act, interact, and even plan forward are more vital to our mental and physical health than ever.

It isn’t a secret that this pandemic has shifted us as humans—affected our communities and our relationships in more ways than most events in my lifetime have ever done.

It has caused us to pause (okay, more of a hard stop) so that we can real…

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