Why We Don’t See Other People Clearly and How to Start

Source https://tinybuddha.com/blog/why-we-dont-see-other-people-clearly-and-how-to-start/

“If I had the chance I’d ask the world to dance, but I’d be dancing with myself.” ~Billy idol

Spending long periods of time alone—as I’ve done while traveling solo over the past year—is an eye-opening experience.

Without the distractions of my normal routine and relationships, I’ve been able to take a good look around inside my very own head. And the more I do this, the more I realize that what I experience as my world is just a reflection of my own psyche. In reality, I’m dancing with myself all the time.

This crucial awareness is usually hidden by the fact that other people seem to be the cause of my experience.

Most of us think that we’re dancing with others: friends, lovers, colleagues, family. But watching myself now I see tha…

Source https://tinybuddha.com/blog/why-we-dont-see-other-people-clearly-and-how-to-start/

“If I had the chance I’d ask the world to dance, but I’d be dancing with myself.” ~Billy idol

Spending long periods of time alone—as I’ve done while traveling solo over the past year—is an eye-opening experience.

Without the distractions of my normal routine and relationships, I’ve been able to take a good look around inside my very own head. And the more I do this, the more I realize that what I experience as my world is just a reflection of my own psyche. In reality, I’m dancing with myself all the time.

This crucial awareness is usually hidden by the fact that other people seem to be the cause of my experience.

Most of us think that we’re dancing with others: friends, lovers, colleagues, family. But watching myself now I see tha…

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