Some Short-Chain Fatty Acids Made by Gut Microbes Increase Neuroinflammation in the Aging Brain


Researchers are attempting to determine exactly how the gut microbiome contributes to age-related chronic inflammation, particularly inflammation in the brain. This may be largely due to a few compounds produced by specific microbial species, some of which become more populous with age at the expense of beneficial microbes. The results noted here are an example of the output of this sort of research. Ultimately, this will lead to more deterministic ways of adjusting the gut microbiome in older individuals. At present the most effective approach is to transplant a fecal sample from a young individual, sidestepping our comparative ignorance of the fine details. It should be …


Researchers are attempting to determine exactly how the gut microbiome contributes to age-related chronic inflammation, particularly inflammation in the brain. This may be largely due to a few compounds produced by specific microbial species, some of which become more populous with age at the expense of beneficial microbes. The results noted here are an example of the output of this sort of research. Ultimately, this will lead to more deterministic ways of adjusting the gut microbiome in older individuals. At present the most effective approach is to transplant a fecal sample from a young individual, sidestepping our comparative ignorance of the fine details. It should be …

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