Relationship OCD Is a Thing: Here's How to Cope


We chatted with experts to learn how to spot and manage relationship OCD.

It’s natural to daydream about relationships, especially romantic ones. But have you ever felt like the thoughts about your relationship control you rather than the other way around?

You might already know that obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) involves repetitive, unwanted thoughts and/or behaviors. If those all-consuming thoughts or routines involve your relationship, you might be dealing with so-called “relationship OCD” (ROCD).

Heads up: ROCD is *not* an official diagnosis. Some folks say they use the t…


We chatted with experts to learn how to spot and manage relationship OCD.

It’s natural to daydream about relationships, especially romantic ones. But have you ever felt like the thoughts about your relationship control you rather than the other way around?

You might already know that obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) involves repetitive, unwanted thoughts and/or behaviors. If those all-consuming thoughts or routines involve your relationship, you might be dealing with so-called “relationship OCD” (ROCD).

Heads up: ROCD is *not* an official diagnosis. Some folks say they use the t…

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